Thursday, August 07, 2008


Ever notice how three or four year olds never worry about tomorrow? They just go around all day and usually get upset when they have to go to bed. I believe that the reason for this could be that they don't yet understand the concept of tomorrow. If you let one of them stay up, they will play till they just fall over and go to sleep. When they wake up they start right off playing again.
Would it not be nice if we could all live like that. I don't mean sherk all your responbilities, just live like there is no tomorrow. Do what you can today and let the rest take care of it's self. I have been trying this latley and it seem to be working. I get along better with some people and can tolerate a lot of others better.
I'll be the first to admit that living like this is not easy sometimes, but those times are when you really have to work hard.
Did you ever notice how some cancer patients suddenly start living like there was no tomorrow? In some of their cases there might not be. (don't worry I'm not one of them)Wonder why they had to get cancer to open their eyes to this new way of life?
I'm going to do my best to have an outlook on life like that of a three or four year old. Call me silly or childish, or just a stupid old man, I don't care, you ole poopyhead! Now wasn't that a nice laugh? See it does work!
It has taken me 61 years to realize this, that life is to short to be so serious! If you don't have any three or four year olds to share your life with like I do, go to a park or playground and just watch them play for alwhile. Introduce yourself to their parents so they won't think you are a pervert or anything! Tell them what you are doing, they may still think you are crazy but at least maybe you won't be arrested!
My three and four year olds are my Grandchildren. They all live like the world is a great place, (which it is) Oh I know about hunger, wars homelessness, and all the other things wrong. I say, do what you can to chane those things, and go on living. Constant worry about these things will not change them one bit.
Ask any four year old about the starving people in the world and they will tell you to send them food. A simple and good answer. But as adults we try to save everyone everywhere at the same time and it gets to be to much and sooner or later we just forget about them. Do what you can with what you have is all that should be expected of anyone.
Never lose hope. The people in England during WWII never lost hope even though the were living the nightmare of the blitzkreig. Admitedley they probally weren't living like four year olds, but they were living like there was no tommorrow, because at any instant for them there might not be.
Please understand I don't advocate shirking all responsibilities. I just wish people would lighten up just a little. When was the last time you saw something funny or enlighting from ANY type news source. All the stories are about death, destruction war,murder or some other disaster. I agree that these stories are important, but what about the good things going on in the world. I'll be surprised if they just report the Olympics just as fun and games and not turn it into some political agenda against China.
Live and let live, live like there is no tomorrow, live for today, don't sweat the small stuff. Enough for now, sorry to be so long winded, LIVE LIKE A FOUR YEAR OLD.


MaMa Norma said...

ok you live like a four year old but someone still has to pay the bills, cook your meals and do laundry. Oh yeah, take care of the cat and the house. Four year olds don't do all that. I can't retire or play all the time you old poopyhead, you!

Mama Luvins said...

Hee, hee, hee...I was just going to post that I was pretty sure mom would say you've never acted like anything BUT a four year old before!!! LOL