Wednesday, August 16, 2006


One time my brother and I decided to pop some popcorn, we were curious as to what it would look like to see a popcorn kernel explode.
We tried lifting the lid of the popper but that didn’t work, with all the kernels popping at the same time!
Did this stop two young country boys with to much time on their hands? Heck no!
We got one of moms table spoons, placed some Crisco, I don’t think cooking oil had been invented yet, or maybe it was to expensive, and one kernel in the middle of the spoon. I then held it over the gas fire.
The Crisco melted and things were progressing just fine.
Then the kernel started to spin around kind of slow like.
We got a little closer to watch because we did not want to miss it when it popped!
All of a sudden the kernel started to spin real fast and then POW!!..ahahahahahh!
I don’t know if you ever had hot grease explode in your face or not but believe you me it burns like heck.
It doesn’t take a lot to entertain two country boys, but I sometimes wonder how we survived.
PLEASE don't try this at your house!